Big Rig Accident Attorneys in Monroe, LA

Have you ever been on the highway and noticed a large commercial vehicle barreling down the road? Did that truck have 18 wheels and carry some sort of payload? If so, you’ve been introduced to big rigs. Occupying highways and local roads alike, big rigs are ideal transport vehicles for everything from refrigerated goods to massive lumber loads. Although the contents may differ, all big rig drivers have a responsibility to operate their vehicles safely and reasonably. When they fail to do so, and you or a loved one sustains an injury as a result, you have the right to hold them liable with the help of experienced truck accident lawyers.

The Louisiana big rig accident attorneys at E. Orum Young Law Offices are experienced personal injury lawyers who understand the severity of such accidents. Not only is you’re property damaged, but it’s likely you suffered an injury of some sort as well.

Allow us to put our decades of legal experience to work for you to help you recover fair compensation for all accident-related damages.

What are the Usual Causes of Big Rig Accidents in Louisiana?

Maneuvering a big rig is no easy feat. These massive hunks of metal are incredibly stiff and awkward to navigate around tight corners and sharp turns. It is for these reasons and many others why all truckers must retain a commercial drivers’ license (CDL).

Those who possess this license can legally operate a big rig; however, they must do so within the regulations of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and those of their respective trucking companies.

Truckers who engage in the following activities are most likely to cause a big rig accident:

  • Driving distracted
  • Failing to indicate turns or lane switches
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Failing to yield to pedestrians
  • Driving recklessly
  • Driving drowsy

When truck drivers negligently operate their vehicles, it puts you at risk of suffering a severe injury. Our big rig accident attorneys in Monroe, LA can help you get the compensation you deserve for you accident injuries in Louisiana.

Get the care and compensation you deserve!

If you have been injured in an accident, you have questions. What is my case worth? How will I pay medical bills? How do I survive financially if I can’t work? Our injury attorneys will take the time to answer those questions and more during a free case evaluation. We will tell you your rights and options and how we get our clients the best possible medical care & maximum compensation.

Louisiana Big Rig Accident Injuries

Big rig accidents are most dangerous due to the injuries they may inflict. While truck drivers sit protected in their lofty truck cabins, passenger vehicles barely stand taller than the truck’s tires. The mere size difference is enough to make these accidents catastrophic. The following injuries have occurred in both low- and high-speed big rig accidents:

  • Crushed appendages
  • Facial injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Deep cuts
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Punctured organs
  • Joint damage

If you or a loved one has been injured in a big rig accident, reach out to a local personal injury lawyer who will fight for you. The Monroe big rig accident attorneys at E. Orum Young Law Offices are well-versed in the field of personal injury law and can help bring your case to justice.

Call Our Big Rig Accident Attorneys Today!

E. Orum Young has been recognized three times by the Northeast Louisiana Legal Services as a community leader by presenting him with the Pro Bono Attorney award for his dedication to serving his community. This is a law firm that cares about and gives back to the community. Call us today at (318) 450-6453 to get the care and compensation you deserve for your big rig accident injuries.